The Pressure of Innovation
The shop’s popularity grew, effectively highlighting the necessity for a larger scooter inventory. However, a significant challenge arose due to the recent establishment of the shop, rendering conventional loans unavailable. Given its small and new status, banks and credit unions considered the business inherently too risky to actively support.
Nonetheless, the owner was determined not to give up. Initially, he began by formulating a solid plan and swiftly recognized the need to progress without relying on traditional funding. This unwavering drive led him to diligently delve into research and thoroughly explore alternative avenues.
How Much Financing Do You Need?
The owner thoroughly researched the funds needed for expanding the scooter lineup, skillfully introducing new marketing strategies, and effectively establishing the brand’s success in its initial phases. Ultimately, he logically concluded that $150,000 would suffice to move forward.
To prevent encountering a similar situation within months, his primary objective was to secure a significant amount. Additionally, he aimed for a reasonable request, considering the eventual repayment. Furthermore, the discovery of the perfect financing solution was pivotal for progressing further.