Dental Practice Expands

An Expansion to Better Serve Clients Across the City


Business was going well but the owners of the dental practice knew they couldn’t help everyone who needed them. At first, the idea of opening a second dental office on the other side of town was talked about casually. However, excitement about the idea grew and the owners started to get more serious.


It would be a lot of hard work to open a new office, but it was clear that the demand was there. After talking about things several times, the owners decided to move on to at least see what the cost would be.


How Much Does It Take to Open a New Dental Office?


Every dental office is different. The existing one was one of the more modern and upscale options in this small city. While a bare-bones office would be less expensive to create, the dream was to offer something more. This office should be just as pleasant and equipped as the initial one.

Dental Practice Expands

Which Form of Financing Is Right?


As most people do, the owners considered a traditional business loan. They figured it would work but wanted to make sure they had looked at all their options. That meant delving into asset-based funding, an SBA 7(a) loan, or a line of credit. Most of those weren’t quite right at first glance.


However, after looking at the benefits of commercial real estate financing, it seemed like the perfect choice. They moved forward with the process.

The Benefits of Commercial Real Estate Financing


Commercial real estate financing is designed to let those with commercial property renovate, expand, or otherwise gain more property. Since there was a need for a new office, that ticked all the boxes in terms of meeting the dental practice’s needs. Using the original building as collateral could provide better terms on the financing.


On top of that, this form of financing empowers a business with appreciating assets, income-generating potential, and possible tax benefits. With a high level of flexibility, this seemed like the right direction to move for the expansion to two dental offices instead of one.


The End Result for the Dental Practice


The financing for the new property came quickly and plans turned into reality. A new dental clinic was installed on the opposite side of town that could offer dental hygiene and other procedures for those in the area. It took time to get things ready but eventually opening day arrived.


With the success of the original dental office, it wasn’t hard to find clients for the new one. People appreciate being able to get dental care closer to them rather than driving across town to do so. Both of the dental offices are booming and doing great.

Dental Practice Expands

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