What Is Commercial Real Estate Financing?
At its core, a commercial real estate loan is about growth. Perhaps that involves physical expansion through the purchase of property. This type of financing can connect you with the capital to make it happen.
Or you might be looking for a boost to your cash flow to help propel your business forward. As long as you’ve had your current mortgage for 3 or more years, you could likely lower your monthly payments via a refinance.
Another option with commercial real estate financing is to pull cash from your property, so you can put the equity toward repairs, upgrades, new construction, or cash flow. This strategy allows you to leverage your equity for optimal use.
Using Commercial Real Estate Financing
While the name refers directly to the real estate aspect of these loans, they can be used for many different actions related to your business. Here are some potential ways you could put commercial real estate financing to work for you:
- Moving to a larger warehouse
- Renovating an older office
- Building a new restaurant
- Buying an existing restaurant
- Opening a retail store
- Exiting your lease to become a property owner
- Refinancing for an extension on your payment term
When used strategically, commercial real estate financing can be instrumental in helping you reach your business goals.