School Learns Its Own Lesson

They were correct that demand existed for a preschool, but they did not realize that a large number of the students would be taking the summer off. They wanted to spend time with older siblings who were off of school. Nearly 40% of the students left the program in the spring as the older children’s schools got out for the summer.The owners had expected the students to stay through the summer and leave in the fall to go to kindergarten. But then a new set of children would age into the program. Having built an award-winning team of teachers, they were reluctant to cut hours for their staff. This was because they didn’t want their teachers to seek employment elsewhere.

School Learns Its Own Lesson

Despite the company’s other locations performing well, the unexpected drop in revenue left them with uncomfortably low cash reserves. They knew that they could have a better summer the next season with more foresight and preplanning. However, they had to make it through the current summer season.

The company turned to a bank term loan to create a cash reserve. They wanted to ensure that they were able to support the company’s payroll as children re-enrolled in the fall. They obtained a bank term loan of $225,000 for 3 years. This loan was enough to comfortably support all of their centers and allowed them to focus on building the newest center’s enrollment without having to micromanage their cash flow. Knowing they could also prepay the loan without penalty, they were not locked in to paying interest on it for a long period of time.


The company and the new center survived the low enrollment through the summer. They were able to use the experience to tailor their marketing to students that needed year-round childcare. The following summer, they only lost 10% of their students at the beginning of summer. They had children on the waiting list ready to fill up the majority of those spaces. The company paid off the bank term loan 10 months early and saved nearly a year of interest payments.

School Learns Its Own Lesson

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