Racing to the Finish Line Invoice Factoring

As the deadline for their major project approached, the team was racing to the finish line, putting in extra hours and effort to meet the client’s expectations. However, unexpected delays in the supply chain were also racing to the finish line, threatening to derail their progress and create further challenges. Despite the obstacles, they remained determined and focused on racing to the finish line with success in sight.

Racing to the Finish Line Invoice Factoring

Not wanting to miss the sponsorship opportunity, the company turned to invoice factoring to get funds faster and secure their spot.  The factoring company examined their business and customer profile before agreeing to the factoring agreement. Per the agreement, the manufacturing company would receive 80% of the funds within 24 hours of entering the arrangement.

Achieving Marathon Sponsorship & Sales Triumph

The company ensured that they were able to fully sponsor the marathon, even as other unexpected expenses occurred. Despite facing increased advertising expenses, some of the company’s production machines broke down, requiring major, expensive repairs. However, with unrestricted funds from factoring, the company could divert some cash for repairs and adhere to production schedules.


As a result of using the rest of the funds received, the company signed up as the major sponsor of the marathon. Consequently, the event turned out to be a roaring success, leading to sales skyrocketing. Moreover, fortunately, one of the runners who tried the company’s product worked at Costco, giving them an in to get their products on Costco shelves. Within two years of the initial factoring agreement, the company’s sales had tripled.

Racing to the Finish Line Invoice Factoring

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